
    Online Documentation

Sources of docu.html
<include file="top.h">  
<conf pos="/doc" pagename="docu">  
<!-- ***************** -->  
<section link="/doc/leohtml" local="leohtml">  
 <div align=center>  
  <leohtml> is a HTML precompiler for static page generation.  
 When I created my homepage I had the problem that HTML  
 is a very simple document language. I missed many features  
 of a real programming language. The compiler solves some of  
 these problems.  
 The idea behind <leohtml> is to create new HTML tags. These  
 tags will be detected and processed by the compiler.  
 Maybe you wanna see an example:  
<example mode=fixed>    
 <char latin1>   
Define a simple tag:  
<define name=mail PAR_1_STRING=to>  
function mail( to ) {  
  print( "<a href=\"mailto:\"" + to + "\">" + to + "</a>" );  
Calling the tag:  
That's my email address: <mail to=kingleo@gmx.at>.   
You wanna see more? Have a look on the <link path="/doc/online">.  
<!--  **************** -->  
<section link="/doc/online" local="online">  
 <leohtml> is well documented:  
<fsection title="<leohtml> Users Guide">  
  Do I have to comment this really? <a href="users2/index-en.html">Users Guide</a>  
<fsection title="Developers Doc">  
  The documentation of the sources of <leohtml>. <a href="dev/index.html">Developers</a>  
<!-- ***************** -->  
<init insert scan="user">  
  <init scan="faq">  
<define name=fsection PAR_1_STRING="title" type=open_close_tag init=faq>  
function fsection( text, title ) {  
  print( "<dl>" );  
  print( "<dt><b>", title, "</b></dt>" );  
  print( "<dd>" );  
  print( text );  
  print( "</dd>" );  
  print( "</dl>" );  
  print( "<br><br>" );  
<section link="/doc/faq" local="faq">  
  <fsection title="Who should use <leohtml>?">  
    I'm a programmer. I can't stand HTML. It's to simple. So I created this  
    But it's not necessary to be a programmer to use <leohtml>. You should  
    known HTML and if you wan't to create larger pages you should be   
    common with Java Script. That's all.<br>  
    And of course, you should be able to create a webpage without a   
    WYSIWYG tool. Of course, if you wan't you can create a page first  
    with such a tool, to use its output as the base for your project  
    with <leohtml>. But I think that makes not much sense.  
  <fsection title="Can I use <leohtml> for dynamic page genearation like php?">  
    <leohtml> was never designed for dynamic page generation. If you write a   
    apache module it would be possible, but the compiler will be to slow.  
    Use it for what is was created for: static page generation.  
  <fsection title="Why should I use <leohtml> and not WML instead?">  
    The difference between WML and <leohtml> is that WML uses a   
    meta language and <leohtml> simply tries to extend HTML.<br>  
    Of course the output will be the same, but it is your choise  
    which one of the tools you wan't to use.<br>   
    In fact <leohtml> is smaller and maybe a little bit easier  
    to use than WML. For very large projects WML will be your tool.<br>  
    I think <leohtml> is better for the small stuff. But as you can see  
    on this page and first of all on the documentation as on <person kingleo>'s webpage,  
    large projects are possible too.<br>  
    But on both systems, if you do not use a strict design for webpage generation,   
    you will have many problems.  
<include file="bottom.h">  

This page was created by King Leo . Page generator was Leo<HTML> version 1.0.0 .