Image Gallary

Image Gallary
HTML 2 HTML Converter
Image Gallary
First of all let us say we have 5 images in the "images" directory. They are all jpg's and the thumbnails are having the Extension "-small.jpg"
Now we wan't to create a Thumbnail table. This can be done by the filelist tag.

<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5> 
  <filelist expr="*.jpg" ignore="*-small.jpg" sorttype="lexical" origdir="images/" publicdir="images" format="\  
   <tr> \  
     <td> \  
      <div align=center> \  
        <a href=\"images/TITLE\"> \  
   <image src=\"images/BASENAME-small.jpg\" border=0 origfile="images/BASENAME-small.jpg"> \  
        </a> \  
      </div> \  
     </td> \  
     <td> \  
       NAME (SIZEKb - DATE) \  
     </td> \  
   </tr> \  
  " size date basename> 

This is the result:

boxleo.jpg (44Kb - Tue Oct 9 14:27:33 2001)
metal-leo.jpg (17Kb - Tue Oct 9 14:27:33 2001)
sky.jpg (20Kb - Tue Oct 9 14:27:33 2001)
smooth.jpg (12Kb - Tue Oct 9 14:27:33 2001)
sunleo.jpg (26Kb - Tue Oct 9 14:27:33 2001)

The filelist tag generates a list of image tags. These image tags are processed by image scan, but by default the image scan is done before the filelist scan, so we have to redefine the init table.

This is the minimal init table that such a thumbnail galary requires:

Init Table:
   <init scan="include"> 
   <init scan="filelist"> 
   <init scan="image"> 

The additional include scans is required cause of some extra informations, that are added to the file, filelist and image tags. Remove it and see yourself what happens.

This page was created by King Leo . Page generator was Leo<HTML> version 0.99.0 .