File Tags

Tags - Reference
Tag Syntax
Include Tag
Macro Tags
Menu Tags
Locale Tags
Char Tag
File Tags
    File Tag
    Filelist Tag
Image Tag
Delete Tag
Init System
The Interpeter
Own Tags
Quiet often it is necessary to link a local file on you page. This file can be downloaded. But the name of this file can be chenged from time to time. e.g.: The name of the tar file of this project actually is leohtml-1.0.0.tar.gz. But next week it can be leohtml-1.0.1.tar.gz.
Normally you have to update the link at your page. By using the file tags this can be avoided, cause you can specify the file name by a shell likewise syntax, or a regular expression.

File Tag Definition:

<file (type: simple_tag)
expr="a_file" (info: Expression)
origdir="path/path" (optional) (info: path to the original file)
publicdir="path/path" (optional) (info: path to the public file)
title="a_name" (optional) (info: Title of the link)
size (optional) (info: calculate file size)
date (optional) (info: calculate the creation date of the file)
sorttype="none/lexical/numerical/date" (optional)
sort="none/highest/lowest/number" (optional)
ignore="a_file" (optional) (info: Expression)
format="NAME SIZE DATE" (optional) (info: Format String)
regex (optional) (info: Use Regular Expressions)
nowarning (optional) (info: Suppress warnings)

expr Option
An expression that describes the file. If the regex option is set the expression will be interpreted as a regular expression.

If not, the expression can be like that: "leohtml-*.tag.gz". You can alsp use more than one '*'.

origdir Option
The directory where the file is located, relativ to the creation html file.

publicdir Option
The directory where the file is located, relativ to the public html file.

title Option
If this option is not set the name of the file will be used as the title of the link.

size and date Option
If the file date and file size has to be calculated, this option has to be set.

sorttype Option
If the regex option is not set, you can specify which sort type should be used for sorting the files. Allowed values are: none (the default), lexical, numerical and date.

sort Option
If the regex option is not set, you can specify how the files should be sorted. Allowed value are: none (the default), highest, lowest and a number if the XXX'th file should be used.

ignore Option
Same as expr, but the files that are found with this option will be ignored.

format Option
The used format string. The default value is: "NAME SIZE DATE". A little bit nicer would be: "NAME (SIZEk) (DATE)".

regex Option
If the regex flag is set, all expresions, that means the expr and ignore fields are interpreted as regular expression. The regual expresions are supported by ixlib . You have to compile Leo<HTML> with ixlib support for using these feature.

ixlib says:
  Backref numbering starts at \0.  
  ReplaceAll does not set the MatchIndex/MatchGlobal members. 
  What is there is compatible with perl5. (See man perlre or 
  However, not everything is there. Here's what's missing: 
  • \Q-\E,\b,\B,\A,\Z,\z
  • discerning between line and string
  • (?#comments)
  • (?:clustering)
  • (?=positive lookahead assumptions)
  • (?!negative lookahead assumptions
  • (?<=positive lookbehind assumptions)
  • (? (?>independent substrings)
  • modifiers such as "case independent"

nowarning Option
A detailed description of this flag you will find there: Image Tag.

The filelist tag is very similar to the file tag. With the filelist tag you include a whole list of files. You specify the files as you do it with the file tag. but not only one file will be choosen, the whole list will be taken.

For the different exercises we need different parameters. So we use the sort option to specify how the list should be sorted. The valid modes are none (the default), up and down. All other parameters haven't changed.

Filelist Tag Definition:

<filelist (type: simple_tag)
expr="a_file" (info: Expression)
origdir="path/path" (optional) (info: path to the original file)
publicdir="path/path" (optional) (info: path to the public file)
title="a_name" (optional) (info: Title of the link)
size (optional) (info: calculate file size)
date (optional) (info: calculate the creation date of the file)
sorttype="none/lexical/numerical/date" (optional)
sort="none/up/down" (optional)
ignore="a_file" (optional) (info: Expression)
format="NAME SIZE DATE" (optional) (info: Format String)
regex (optional) (info: Use Regular Expressions)
nowarning (optional) (info: Suppress warnings)

The filelist can be used to generate an image gallary. How this works is described in the Examples: Ducumentation.

This page was created by King Leo . Page generator was Leo<HTML> version 0.99.0 .